5 Ways to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays

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Simple tips to keep you on track and still enjoy the moment this holiday season.

  1. Try not to use the holidays as an excuse or a trigger to fall off the wagon
    Just because it’s the holidays doesn't mean you need to toss out the healthy habits. Looking after yourself is a lifestyle. Keep practicing your healthy ways. Try to maintain your regular exercise routine. If you are traveling make sure you take the clothing you need to exercise. After the big Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, go for a walk to help your digestion.  Sleep can take a back seat during the holidays. If this time of year makes you stressed, being sleep deprived can exacerbate anxiety. Make an effort to prioritize sleep, your body and nervous system will thank you.

  2. Make the healthiest choices you can with the options you have
    If you are at a party or an event ask yourself, “What is the most nutritious choice I can make right now?”. Limit fried foods, high sugar desserts, and processed foods. Focus on eating whole foods. If you are going to someone’s house, prepare a healthy dish to take with you so you have an alternative if choices are limited. How you talk to yourself matters.  If you are trying to resist food that you know does not make you feel good, say to yourself, “I choose not to eat that” rather than, “I can’t eat that”. If we give ourselves the power to choose, we are more empowered and that feels good.

  3. Maintain your regular self care practices/daily wellness rituals
    The same as exercise and sleep, try to stick with your usual self care routine to stay balanced. Keep up your quiet time, journaling, meditation, prayer, reading, time in nature, taking a bath….whatever it is that helps keep you grounded, even if it's only for a few minutes a day. Often the rituals that nourish us the most are the first things we let slide over the holidays.

  4. Put on your silicone coat, take a break and say no
    Certain relationships can drain your energy. How can you be less reactive? Try to let any negative comments slide off you, imagine you are wearing a silicone coat. If you start to feel stressed, go outside and take a break. Get some fresh air, center yourself and breathe. Even just a few minutes change of scenery can make you less reactive and take the emotion out of the situation. Knowing your limits is good self-care. You don’t have to say yes to every invitation. If you are tired or overwhelmed, give yourself permission to say no. Over-committing can leave you feeling depleted.

  5. Be in the moment, take a mental photo, give gratitude
    During the celebrations take a moment to step back and take a mental photo of what’s going on around you using all your senses……hearing someone laugh, the delicious smells coming from the kitchen, seeing a grandchild sitting on a grandparents lap, the taste of the food. Dropping into our senses allows us to be present, to live in the moment. Give gratitude for your blessings.

Bonus tip: Allow yourself to enjoy the food

Food guilt can be challenging and deprivation takes away the joy of food. Try to set reasonable limits but if you do over-indulge, forgive yourself and start again with healthy habits the following day. The body can handle small amounts of indulgences, preferably just not days on end of them. Be kind and gentle to yourself.  Self-love and self-compassion come first.

Tips, Thrive GlobalGuest User